Saturday, December 1, 2007

Comments on classes and Article 14.

Good evening! This week we had all our presentations over and as a member of the last team (B) to finish I am glad it is finally done. The problem only is that I cannot discuss minuses or pluses of my work. Regarding Team A presentation I would like to say that it was a great job, full of offerings and serious scientific graphs. The only my offering for it is always to double check whether the scale and experience of the company, which will implement the solution, allows to use what is recommended. It seemed to me that CRM offered was to complicated for small B&B with 8 rooms of facilities.
Article 14. QuickStudy: System Development Life Cycle
The article above was very interesting for me as it strengthened the points the professor had mentioned in the class about system development stages. To summarize: system development process changes over times: before it was a writing code for solving a problem or automating a procedure, now it is much more complicated process.
There were several types of system described starting from the oldest to newest. They are:
1The waterfall system;
2) The fountain model;
3) The spiral model;
4) The rapid prototyping;
5) The incremental model.
The author offer to use the synchronize and stabilize method, which combines the advantages of the spiral model with technology for overseeing and managing source code. This method allows many teams to work efficiently in parallel. The approach was defined by David Yoffie of Harvard University and Michael Cusumano of MIT. For me it seems very reasonable to use new types of system developments models in response to the rapid changes in the society requirements. The last model seems to be very interesting. The companies, which used this method (Microsoft and Netscape) also give it more weight in consideration.

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