Friday, October 5, 2007

Comments on Classes and Article 6.

Good evening. This week 2 lectures on Databases and ERM programs were very interesting for me as the knowledge received can be easily applied in the real life. The new term for me was database warehouse - it was really interesting and useful to learn that these databases include kits of statistical programs, which are really necessary when you work with a huge amount of information. The second new term for me was ERM itself - but as I found out later I knew about existence of such programs and even wanted to learn one of them -SAP, as a lot of multinational companies use it and require their prospective employees to know basic features.

Article 6. Paradise By The Dashboard Light.

The article above gives us advantages of an improved version of Act 2008 software, which is small business customer relationship management (CRM) and sales force automation software from Sage Software. The most important feature of this software, which previously was available only to enterprise-level products, is dashboard. This option allows a user to see "charts, graphs and tables that give at-a-glance information about current activities and sales opportunities". Sage has provided six customizable dashboard components, which are: my Schedule At-a-Glance; top 10 Opportunities; Activities by User; opportunities by User: closed Sales to Date. These dashboards may be customized as per user's requirements if needed. There are plenty of other useful options that are described in the article, but I would like only to summarize the most important feature with the following comparison: "Imagine trying to drive a car without dashboard displays. You’d never know how fast you were going, when you were running out of gas or if the car was overheating. " The same for the business - and especially for small business - as it is usually forgotten in the fight for big companies' profits. This software cares about the most important issues that help to improve user's business at a relatively low price (see the article) and this is the most important advantage of its performance.

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